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Guidelines & Dress Code Policies

Read below for our 2023-24 Dance Policy in regards to the dress code.

Studio hours of business are Monday-Thursdays 3:00-8:00 September-May

Dance Policy for 2024-25 season.   

Our goal is to provide a fun and safe environment, at this time no mask will need to be worn however we are allowing it to be at your own discretion. If we are authorized to move into full coverage then we will at that time. The waiting room of the studio will not be allowed outside visitors so we ask that all family members please wait in the vehicles. Younger children may be brought in with a parent but once inside the classroom we ask that you wait inside your vehicle. 

Recital Showcases: Always a high light with students. They work very hard and they love to show off their dances. Studio B is known for it's end of the year Spring Show which is always entertaining. We have had much success with adding 2 separate shows featuring our Younger Dancers 3yrs of age - 4th  grade and our older Students 5th- High School. Also becoming a Student and Fan favorite is our Holiday Show which will only be featured every other year.  Neither show is mandatory however if you are choosing not participating in either show, you will need to let us know at the time of enrollment.    

Dress Code: 

Shoes will need to be ordered as soon as you enroll with us. Shoes are extremely important to start your dance journey. Please visit for easy access to dance attire needs. It is our very own Studio B shopping site. Here you will find your dance classes along with my recommendation of shoe styles and leotard choices for you. Another site you could use is or and of course Amazon is now carrying dance shoes and leotards. 

Please take notice that when enrolling in tap we suggest a Bloch "Respect" tie shoe for all 5th graders and up 
  Pre-school classes.  3-4 yrs of age and 4-5yrs of age (30 minute class): For leotard & shoe suggestions please go to Or click on link located on our website. Color of leotard is pink and pink ballet shoes. 
  Combo Classes Kindergarten & 1st graders  (45 minute classes). For leotard & shoes suggestions please go to or click on link located on our website. Color of leotard is a light blue and pink ballet and black tap shoe. 

Boys: All boys enrolled with Studio B will need to wear a white t-shirt and black shorts. Shoe color will be black jazz or ballet and black lace tie tap shoe. Please refer to the link located on our web-page for boy suggestions. 
Ballet Students: 2nd - High School : Black leotard, Pink Ballet shoes or Pointe . Optional items would be. Tights, skirt, Ballet sweaters, leg warmers are acceptable and choice of color on these items. For leotard & shoes suggestions please got to or click on link located on our website.  
Tap Students: 2nd - High School: Black leotard, Black Tap shoes. Optional items would be. Tights, Bootie shorts, Jazz Pants, Capri’s or leggings are acceptable and choice of color. For leotard & shoes suggestions please got to or click on link located on our website. Tap shoes are very important for achieving a sound please note that older students will need a Bloch "Respect" Tap shoe. Check all dance sites listed above. Nimbly will not carry these. 
Jazz Students: 2nd - High School: Black leotard for either class. Shoes would be a Black jazz shoe  . Optional items would be. Tights, Bootie shorts, skirts, leggings or Capri’s are acceptable and choice of color on these items. For leotard & shoes suggestions please got to or click on link located on our website. 

Lyrical/Acro classes 4th - High School: Black leotard with a lyrical shoe. color is Nude. Optional items would be. Tights, Bootie shorts, skirts, leggings or Capri’s are acceptable and choice of color on these items.  
Hip Hop Students: 4th- High School  T’s -shirts or anything as long as it is movable. Jeans are not allowed. Hip Hop shoes will need to be a black tennis shoes specifically for Hip Hop Class no outside shoes are to be worn into the studio. No Street shoes will be allowed on the dance floor.


For leotard & shoes suggestions please go to or click on the link located at the top of this page. 

Guidelines for Students enrolled: 

  1. No food is allowed into the studio.  

  2. Street shoes are not to be worn into the Studio. 

  3. Dance shoes are a must! Students cannot learn to dance without the proper shoes. Please see that your child has the proper shoes and that they fit. Every week I spend precious class time looking for shoes for students to wear. This needs to stop. Shoes are required and it is your responsibility to make sure they have the required shoe. Please put all names inside your dance shoes so if they happen to get left behind we know exactly whom they belong to.  

  4. Cell phones must be turned off or on vibrate.

  5. No outside visitors are allowed at any time.

  6. All long hair must be pulled back in a pony or a bun. 

  7. All students are required to wear a leotard.  

Drop off and Pick-up: 
 Pre-School and All Combo Classes -  Please use the Studio B entrance located in the back (east) of Inertia. This age group should not be left unattended in the waiting area. If you have an emergency we should be able to help you out that day. Also it is a small area so if we have a couple of moms willing to stay until class begins that would be great. If you are running late, assume class has started and bring your child into the Studio area. Also because our waiting room is small less time in the room is better. Again if you have an emergency you may drop them off but make sure their is a teacher. 

2nd  Grade - Seniors - Please use the Studio B entrance located in the back (east) of Inertia. Students are allowed to sit in the waiting room until class. If student is caught playing outside instead of waiting you will be called and forced to sit with your child. We are not baby sitters, and we have had incidents come up with un-attended children being children. Safety is our number one priority with your kids and our Students.  
Note* Sometimes things happen and picking up a student cannot be helped. If something like this occurs please send your child's teacher a text message so we know that you are running late. We will keep them with us in the dance room until you can get there. You will then be allowed to enter the studio and pick up your child. 
Lessons & Attendance
1. When enrolled at SBDC you are enrolled for each session. Sept-Dec. followed by Show and Jan-May followed by a Show 
2. We will assume that every student will participate in the Holiday Show and Spring  Dance Recital, however, it is not mandatory. If you plan on taking lessons but are not participating in the recital, please let us know immediately so that routines may be adjusted ahead of time.

3. Also note: Any student that misses more than 4 classes per session will not be allowed to perform in our Dance Showcases Holiday and Spring Recital. This is a commitment not a drop in and we take our dance classes serious. We understand that family emergencies can happen and flu season so, in the event that the student is temporarily absent from dance class due to illness, injury, please no that No refunds are issued . Extreme cases will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 
4. Please see that students are prompt, dressed and ready for class.
5. If your Student will be absent please text or message us.
6 If at anytime you have questions or concerns regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help your child and want the best for them. It is our job to make sure their environment is a safe, clean and happy place and learning to dance is our #1 priority.


Attendance is very important and helps run classes much smoother if everyone is in class. There are no refunds for missed lessons. 


Please Note: Even though we are a  80 % recreational studio, dance lessons are very important to the teachers instructing and the students taking a class. If your child continues to miss classes due to other activities, is continually late or reasons of un-known, this is possibly something you may need to reconsider. In my opinion, it is a waste of our time and your money. And the child is not gaining anything.  

Covid 19 Safety Protocols in Studio: If cases begin to rise will be exercising the following guidelines 

  • Masks: All students and staff are suggesting a mask be worn. Students will be required to wear a mask upon entering the studio.  If a dancer does not have a mask before class, disposable masks will be stationed at the entrance of the studio.

  • Temperature checks & sanitizing: All students and staff will have a temperature check and required hand sanitizing upon entering dance class. If they fail the temperature check they will be given 3-5 minutes to sit in the studio waiting room and then their temperature will be taken again. If they fail the second attempt they will be sent home.

  • Social Distancing: We will have measured  spots and are prepared for students to remain socially distant during dance class.  If moving across the floor, students will remain distant from one another and will continue to wear their masks. 

  • Mask Breaks: with any dance/aerobic activity, students will be allowed to take a mask break.  This entails staying in their designated space that is 6 feet from any other dancer to remove/ventilate their face for deep breathing to lower heart rate. 


Note: Things can change depending on the new CDC Guidelines and we will make changes if we need too.

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